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Manuscript for the Nerve Check List

Title of article:_______________________________________________________________________________

Author(s) should check the followings items under the heading of ‘Authors’. The spaces under the heading of ‘Editorial Staff’ are reserved for editorial office. Please leave no marking at the spaces under the heading of ‘Editorial Staff’

Check points Author Editorial Staff
Mandatory components of a manuscript:
Formats and contents of the manuscripts are checked by corresponding author.
Words count. Manuscripts may be no longer than 6,000 words including all elements for Original Articles, 3,000 words for Case Reports including references. YSE             NO
Manuscript layouts. Manuscript should be prepared in following orders;
1. Original Article: title page, inner title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
2. Case Report: title page, inner title page, abstract, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, references, table, and figure legends.
YSE             NO
Language. Text should be written in fluent, plain, readable American or English-style English. Proof reading is done. Acceptable  Inadequate
All pages are numbered in sequence, starting with the abstract page. YSE             NO
Title page:
Components. The title page must contain all of the followings; clear title, name and affiliation of all authors, information of the corresponding author (address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address), type of the article (review article, research paper, clinical article, case report) and any conflict of the interest. Complete   Incomplete
Running head must be included consisting of no more than 65 characters/spaces. YSE             NO
External title page should be a separate file. YSE             NO
Inner title page:
Only title of the manuscript is listed. Any information on the authors and corresponding author is not shown on the inner title page. YSE             NO
Words count. Abstract should have no longer than 250 words for Original Articles and 200 words for Case Reports. YSE             NO
Abstract includes Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion in Original articles YSE             NO
Key words. Up to six keywords or phrases are suitable for use and the selection of Key words is based on MeSH. YSE             NO
Format. Text is written in 11 point fonts with double line spacing and 3cm as margins on an A4 paper. YSE             NO
Headings. Do provide appropriate headings and subheadings with the following hierarchy: 14 point BOLD CASE , 13 point case, 11 point Italics YSE             NO
Figures and tables. Cite in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text. YSE             NO
Style. References are described following the rules of The Nerve YSE             NO
Tables, Figures and Illustrations:
Table style. Table style should follow the conventional rules of The Nerve. Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures. YSE             NO
Figures are prepared in separate files (JPG or TIF) and submitted individually not being incorporated into one files. YSE             NO
Figure resolution. Author must guarantee the quality of figures (300DPI). It should be noted that the manuscript could be rejected if printsuitable high quality figures are not provided at the initial phase of submission. Acceptable  Inadequate
Figure legend. Figure legend should be self-explanatory. Abbreviations should not be used and the present tense must be used for the description. Appropriate description of dyeing method and magnification for histological figure should be provided. YSE             NO
Submission :
All authors should sign on the “Copyright Release, Author Agreement, and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest” form then send e-mail to editor of The Nerve (sbc@catholic.ac.kr) and corresponding author should indicate that he (she) takes full responsibility of authorship from all authors. YSE             NO
Author check list form is submitted with the manuscript. YSE             NO

Date: ______________________________

Editorial office use only

□ suitable for review process     □ a qualified consent for submission acceptance     □ needs author’s correction

Date: ______________________________

Editorial Office
Department of Neurosurgery, Hanyang University Guri Hospital
153, Gyeongchun-ro, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-31-560-2325   E-mail: ryujeil@hanyang.ac.kr
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